Grimsby Hollow Meadery
COVID-19 Compliance Plan

Staff & customers will be protected from exposure by the following measures:

Physical Distancing Protocols All tables will be 6’ distanced between groups.

Signs are posted for physical distancing protocol reminders.

Table side ordering will be used to limit customer movement inside facility.

Unvaccinated Customers must wear masks until seated and while moving around the facility.

seating capacity has been cut to 50%.

Customers will be asked for their name and phone number for contact tracing.

Infection Prevention Measures:

Hand Sanitizer will be placed at the bar.

Staff & customers have adequate hand washing sinks.

Staff will have disinfectant on hand for sanitizing point of sale surfaces, tables and chairs after each party.

Chalkboard and wipeable menus will be utilized.

Customers will be asked to refrain from moving tables.

Cleaning & Sanitation Guidelines Surfaces will be disinfected in between customer groups or every hour, whichever is shorter.

Flight maps will be sanitized with disinfectant and sanitizer between uses.

Organizational & Administrative Measures:

Workers have been briefed on all measures prior to work.

Availability of sanitizer & disinfectant will be ensured.

Personnel Illness Management Guidelines:

Staff will be asked to stay home if they are ill or having any symptoms.

Staff will be given a symptom questionnaire and temperature check prior to each shift

Confirmed Case Plan:

In the event of a confirmed case in the facility, the local department of health will be notified and the facility will be shut down in-order to conduct a full cleaning and disinfection.